Create a resonating speech

Why: Connect your audience with you

How: Structure your speech and take care of reactions

What: I recently saw more than 40 startup speeches in a morning session and I was surprised on the number of information that could be triggered in just 1 minute. I was also surprised that only few knew the three key success factors of a speech.

  1. Know your intention of your speech. Is-it to get a prize, find an associate, sell your product to your audience, …?
  2. Start with a Why, then follow by the How and finish with the What. Simon Sinek explains it here.
  3. Ensure you connect with the Heart, the Hand and the Head of your audience. The famous speeches of Martin Luther King and John Fitzgerald Kennedy used these 3 components. Why not you?

When you play 2 and 3, see how the match makes sense: Why => Heart, How => Hand, What => Head.

Last, let’s make sure you get enough time to pause and checkout the reactions of your audience. Especially if your topic could make Heart of others vibrating so much. Breath 5 seconds, and continue.

Why not trying it?

Mind mapping

Why: Gather, connect and remember knowledge

How: Create a visual map of the topic you want to cover

What: Put your topic in the center of a page (ideally A3). Prepare the first level if you already know what you want to capture. Write down details based on parent-child concept. Use color per branches to remember the path between the dots (that will create engram).

We see couple of situations where a mind Map is powerful:

  • Preparing a job interview (sample)
  • Taking meeting/classroom minutes
  • Brainstorming
  • Teaching new English words to your children
  • Creating a book sum-up

Finally you can download training support (FR) on using such tool.

Why not trying it?

Old games

Why: Transmit values to your children

How: Play with them thru interactive games

What: Re-use your childhood games

Why giving a tablet or mobile to kids when such “old games” still produce engagement, connection, challenge, failure, focus and excitement?

Recently I discover a box my wife stored in our cave. I felt so excited when I bring it back to my flat that my kids finished their meal in a record time (compared to the average 😉 to see the reasons of my teasing.

We spent a long part of that evening to test games they didn’t knew and after few months we continue doing so.

Starting from 3 years to 9-10 you cannot imagine how powerful these games are: draughts, chess, backgammon, little horses, goose game, loto, …

Why not trying it?