Tie knot logic

Why: Play while dressing

How: Create your own tie knots

What: Learn a model that will free your imagination

When I started my career, the tie was a must. While I love the knots, I looked on Internet for some guidance. At that time I found a research that I recently found back (thanks Internet memory). It is a 1999 research from Thomas M.A. Fink and Yong Mao (Cambridge University) for which you can see below some extracts.

1. Know the nomenclature

2. Run a sequence

3. Discover some samples, for which you will recognize famous knots.

Why not trying it?

Old games

Why: Transmit values to your children

How: Play with them thru interactive games

What: Re-use your childhood games

Why giving a tablet or mobile to kids when such “old games” still produce engagement, connection, challenge, failure, focus and excitement?

Recently I discover a box my wife stored in our cave. I felt so excited when I bring it back to my flat that my kids finished their meal in a record time (compared to the average 😉 to see the reasons of my teasing.

We spent a long part of that evening to test games they didn’t knew and after few months we continue doing so.

Starting from 3 years to 9-10 you cannot imagine how powerful these games are: draughts, chess, backgammon, little horses, goose game, loto, …

Why not trying it?